in 1975
Copyright © Amercian Society for Netherlands Philately 2010-2015
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Bylaws of the American Society for Netherlands Philately

Article I - Name and Purpose

Section 1.  The name shall be American Society for Netherlands Philately.
Section 2.  The purpose shall be to encourage and advance the collection and     
                exhibition of philately of the Netherlands and related Areas to disseminate and   
                exchange information among its members.

Article II - Membership and Dues

Section 1.  Membership is open to all persons interested in Netherlands and related Areas   
                philately who furnish satisfactory reference, subject to the rules and    
                regulations provided herein.
Section 2.  The Secretary, upon receipt of application and dues and upon  satisfactory
                approval shall notify the applicant of acceptance. Dues are to be refunded if an
                application is  refused,
Section 3.  Dues are set annually by the President, in consultation with the Treasurer.    
                They become due and payable September 1 each year. Any member    
                failing to pay dues within sixty days shall be dropped from the rolls.
Section 4.  Any member may resign at any time. Reinstatement may be made at any    
                time provided entrance requirements are met and any indebtedness is paid
Section 5.  If charges of improper conduct in connection with the Society are brought    
                to the Board of Governors, a member may be suspended or expelled by a    
                majority vote of the Board of Governors. The member has ten days to reply in   
                writing. If not reinstated, the member  has 30 days in which to appeal to the  
                entire  membership by notifying the newsletter editor. The appeal shall be
                included in  the next official Society publication.
Section 6.  Records of the case are to be preserved in the files of the Secretary.

Article III- Officers

Section 1.  Elective officers are: President, Vice- president, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Board
                of  Governors consisting of three members. Elective officers shall serve for two
                years, or until their respective successors have been elected. The Board of
                Governors   members shall serve four years. Elections to the Board of Governors
                shall be staggered  so that elections take place every other year. All elective
                officers and  Board members may succeed themselves. One person may serve in
                more than one  office.
Section 2.  The President has general supervisory power over all matters concerning the   
                Society. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, shall
                make  all appointments provided for in the bylaws, and shall perform all other
                duties delegated by the membership. Officers shall perform duties listed below
                and such   other duties as are indicated elsewhere in the bylaws.

Section 3.  The Vice-president shall assist the President in the conduct of the Society. In the
               event of death, disability, resignation or removal of the President the
                Vice-president shall succeed to the office of the President.
Section 4.  The Secretary shall
                                           : receive membership applications and dues, issue
                                             membership cards, and turn all monies received over to
                                             the Treasurer
                                          : shall maintain a current membership file
                                          : notify the Editor of new or reinstated members with their
                                             collecting interests
                                          : maintain records of suspensions or expulsions, and make a
                                             reasonable effort to publicize the benefits of the Society.
                                          : shall disseminate information regarding the Society, its
                                             activities and its publication, respond to or distribute as
                                             appropriate, correspondence of the Society.

                                            At the request of the President, the Secretary shall attest
                                             official Society documents signed by other Officers.

Section 5.  The Treasurer shall take charge of all dues, advertising revenues and of such other
               receipts designated by the Board of Governors, make periodic reports of the   
                financial standing of the Society to the President and an annual report to the    
                membership. All monies are to be deposited in a responsible financial institution.
                The Treasurer shall pay bills as authorized by the President or Board of Governors.
Section 6.  The Board of Governors shall act as administrative body of the Society and be   
                responsible for its general welfare.
Section 7.  No officer of this Society shall receive compensation for services performed in the
               execution of his/her office, except reimbursement for any administrative expense.

Article IV- Elections

Section 1.  The bi-annual balloting of officers and Governors shall take place in September by
                members in good standing.
Section 2.  Nominations signed by five or more members shall be sent to the Secretary before
               June l. Nominations may also be sent to the Secretary by the Board of Governors.
Section 3.  An official list of nominees shall be prepared by the Secretary and sent to the  
                editor. The editor shall prepare an official ballot containing all nominations, blank
               spaces for the insertion of additional names, and spaces for indicating a choice  
                opposite each name. Ballots shall be mailed before August 1 and must be
                returned  by October 1 to be counted.
Section 4.  The ballot shall be sent to the person designated by the Board of Governors.
                This person will send them to the Secretary who will report the result to the editor
               for publication.
Section 5.  In case of a tie vote, the board of Governors will decide the election. In case of   
                incapacity of a candidate or officer, the Board of Governors shall appoint a
                qualified substitute.

Article V - Annual Meeting

Section 1.  An annual meeting of the American Society for Netherlands Philately (ASNP) may
               be held in any one year if the membership so desires.
Section 2.  The Board of Governors, upon consideration of Society finances and other valid   
                reasons, may circulate to the membership a proposal to hold an annual meeting
                at some specific date and place. Upon two-thirds of the membership replying in
                the affirmative, the Board of Governors shall have authority to assume on behalf
                of the Society the expenses necessary.
Section 3.  Proposals for business to be enacted at annual meetings, signed by five members,
               shall be sent to the Secretary. The officers and the Board of    Governors may also
               submit proposals for business. The President shall decide the   order of business
                after consulting with the Board of Governors.
Section 4.  The membership shall be notified through one of the Society's publications at
                least six months prior to the date of such annual meeting.

Article VI - Committees

Section 1.  Subject to the approval of the Board of Governors, the President may appoint   
                committees such as membership, audit, editorial or such other committees as the
               Board of Governors advises. Committee members shall serve until replaced, they
                resign, or are removed by the President subject to the approval of the Board of   

Article VII - Fiscal Year

Section 1.  The fiscal year shall begin September 1 and end August 31.

Article VIII - Publications

Section 1.  ‘Netherlands Philately' shall be the official journal of the Society and shall be   
                published by the editor as directed by the board of Governors. Newsletters shall
                be published as often as practicable to keep the membership informed as to the
                Society and other outside philatelic activities.
Section 2.  The annual membership dues shall include the subscription to the journals and   
                newsletters. The purchase price of back issues shall be determined by the
                President and Treasurer.

Article IX - Amendments

Section 1.  These bylaws may be amended by two-thirds majority of those voting who are   
                members in good standing.
Section 2.  Amendments may be proposed by a petition signed by five members in good   
                standing; or by the Board of Governors.
Section 3.  The proposed amendments shall be received by the editor before June 1   
                and entered on the official ballot.
Section 4.  The Board of Governors may direct that a proposed amendment be submitted
                to the  membership, under the conditions set forth above, at any time.

As amended September l, 2010.